After 8 rounds of coastal state negotiations and meetings between Norway, Great Britain and the Faroe Islands since last year's mackerel agreement was signed, we can finally inform you that a mackerel agreement has now been completed.
Main points of the agreement:
• Great Britain, Norway and the Faroe Islands are parties to the agreement
• Valid for 3 years; 2024, 2025 and 2026
• Norway got a share of 27.8% of the agreed total quota
• Norway have 60% access in UK zone
• Norwegian have a quota in 2024 of 230,536 mt, of which 123,330 mt can be fished in the British zone
• The Faroe Islands get access to fish 40% of their quota in NØS - must be sold through Sildelaget
The EU does not have a part to the agreement, but is "associated" with the agreement through the TCA agreement between the UK and the EU, which regulates their share through a defined quota-wise strength ratio between them.