Herring quota
Good afternoon
News today from The Norwegian Ministry of Trade and Fisheries:
In the coastal state negotiations on Norwegian spring-spawning herring (nvg herring) earlier this autumn, the coastal states agreed that the total quota for 2024 will be set at 390,010 tons.
Norway has decided to set a Norwegian share of 65.6 per cent of the total quota (TAC) in 2024. This is 255,846.5 tons.
The final Norwegian quota will not be ready until after the new year, when they have the final catch figures for 2023.
- The coastal states have still not agreed on a new distribution of the herring stock, but progress has been made in the negotiations. We will continue the negotiations next year, says Fisheries and Industry Minister Cecilie Myrseth.
Of the Norwegian quota, 270 tons are set aside for recruitment quotas (old scheme), 200 tonss for the recruitment quota bonus scheme, 890 tons for research and teaching purposes, 500 tons for bait quotas and 2000 tons for the open group for coastal vessels.
The distribution key for Norwegian spring-spawning herring (introduced in line with the Norwegian Parliament's decision) which has now acted as the distribution key for nvg herring in 2021, 2022 and 2023, will be continued in 2024.
The distribution key is 49 percent to purse seine, 10 percent to trawl and 41 percent to coast. The agreement from 2009 on quota swaps between the purse seiner and trawl groups for nvg herring and mackerel will continue as before.
- We must reconsider the Parliaments decision from 2020 and the guidelines that were made on the distribution key until we have a new decision to rely on, says Fisheries and Oceans Minister Cecilie Myrseth.
The provision for the open group of 2,000 tons will also be deducted from the total quota in 2024.