From the press release:
I am very happy that Norway and Great Britain has come to an agreement on the management of mackerel for 2023, says Fisheries and Oceans Minister Bjørnar Skjæran.
Mackerel is economically an important population for Norway, and ranks second after cod. All in all, the Norwegian quota for 2023 will be 245,688 tonnes after quota exchange and transfers from 2022.
- Great Britain and Norway are the two largest mackerel nations, and this agreement is therefore an important step towards even better management of the mackerel stock and reduced fishing pressure. It would of course have been nice if we had reached an agreement that covered the other coastal states as well, and I hope that the example set by Norway and Great Britain will contribute to the other coastal states gradually following suit, says Skjæran.
Negotiations on a new overall distribution for 2024 and beyond will start in the autumn.
The agreement between Norway and Great Britain covers, among other things, the size of the national mackerel quotas, transfers of mackerel quotas and the strengthening of scientific cooperation. Norway is also allowed to fish 135,141 tonnes of mackerel in the UK's zone